Your Community Newspaper

Lumby, Lavington, Whitevale, Coldstream, Vernon & Cherryville

Your Community Newspaper

Lumby, Lavington, Whitevale, Coldstream, Vernon & Cherryville

Your Community Newspaper

Lumby, Lavington, Whitevale, Coldstream, Vernon & Cherryville

Letters to the Editor

Gratitude and Criticism

To The Editor,

I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the nearly 4,200 residents that voted for me this election. It was wonderful getting to know many of you through door knocking, email or text/messenger. Thousands of people in our riding did not want what either the NDP or BC Conservatives were offering, which should be a strong message to both party leaders. I believe people are tired of the polarization and fear driven political tactics. As leaders it is our responsibility to set a good example. I hope both party leaders pay attention and learn from this election. British Columbians deserve better.

I’d like to address the criticism I’ve received from BC Conservative voters for “splitting the vote”.  I ran as a centre-right candidate, an initiative I began in late-2023, more than a year prior to September 2024 when the BC Conservatives installed an out-of-area candidate to our riding. I’ve also been asked, given the outcome, if I would do things differently. The answer is I do not believe the BC Conservatives provided the electorate with a sufficient alternative to the NDP.  From candidate installations that cost the BC Conservatives seats, to staggering Provincial deficit projections, to the same tired old fear mongering tactics. In other words, yes, I would still have run to provide our community local representation, with an aim to build trust back into the political system.

An NDP minority government, propped up by two BC Green Party MLA’s, is not a recipe for stable, lasting, good-governance in our Province. It’s entirely possible British Columbians will be back at the polls in the not-so-distant future. I believe in a positive, prosperous future for our Province – it may just take a little more time to get on that track.

Going forward I will serve our community in my current capacity with the same enthusiasm, care and dedication. I will make every effort to keep our Provincial representatives accountable for their commitments, and continue to monitor for ways I can advocate and support our community.

Who knows what the future will bring? I look forward to my next challenge, whatever that might be. I am very blessed to be part of this amazing community, and will conclude by once again conveying my gratitude to the people that believed in me and participated in our democracy.

Kevin Acton, Lumby, BC

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